+7 (495) 308-82-83

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SMS Callback

The Cost

, $
The cost of sending an SMS text message from your SIM-card
, $
The cost of receiving call your SIM-card, per minute
Low-cost outgoing calls via SMS
Send SMS with subscribers number
and our service will connect you immediatly
Make call from your mobile anywhere 
No internet connection is required for a call 
Yous ANI number will be indicated on your subscribers phone
Why SMS Callback?

Use SMS Callback when you in roaming or outgoing calls is too expensive. 

Note: "tourist" SIM-card or local operator SIM-card use in roaming.


Registration (one-time)
1. Sign up or enter to Your Personal Office if you registered
2. In The Personal Office choose SMS Callback and register your mobile number.

Call order
3. Subscriber number send as SMS-message to the number +79994446543.
4. Wait for incoming call.